Shortly after Ivan and I got married, we heard about the homeschooling teaching method. After considering, thinking, and praying about this we decided to homeschool even though we had no children at the time. The main reason we decided to do it was to be able to teach our children about God. Teaching them what He says through His word (The Bible).

You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.

Deuteronomy 6:7 (ESV)

Over time we have been able to see many other advantages that this great adventure has brought to our lives. Children get sick less, they eat when they need and what they need, we can control the behaviors and attitudes they have. And above all, we learn not only the academic subjects, but we learn from daily life while working at home in the everyday chores.

David washing dishes.

Noemi and Lidia cutting vegetables for lunch.

Jeremiah blending tomatoes for the rice.

his decision has been very rewarding. But to be honest, not everything is sunshine and flowers. It is a job I never imagined I would do. It has been a very big challenge and it has tested me in many areas of my life and has also made me doubt my abilities more than once. When I started teaching Jeremiah (our oldest son), I didn’t realize the great challenge I was facing, and as he has grown and the number of students has increased, the challenge has been more and more difficult. I have certainly doubted my ability to teach my children more than once. But when I remember what my reason for homeschooling them, I ask the Lord to strengthen me so that I do not give up on this great task. On many occasions I have had to drastically change the way I work. But God has been faithful to me and my family. Many times when we have been in difficult situations or days when things do not go well we have had to stop and take time to see what God teaches us, surrender our bad behavior to Him, and above all pray that He will transform us and change our bad attitudes.

Jeremiah and David doing classes with Ivan.

Jeremiah brought an apple to the teacher.

Davíd studying.

Noemi in his Bible class.

We have also had days when mischiefs have pushed the boundaries and we have had to focus on solving problems by asking for the mercy of our Almighty God. In those moments when everything looks more difficult is when God has shown us His protective hand. He has taught us to trust Him in even those moments. And children have been able to learn how God protects us all time even when things do not go as we expect. I thank God so much that despite my imperfections He has been faithful and I have been able to see how He is working in my children’s lives. Another thing I thank God is that my husband is on the lookout by listening to me, teaching me, giving me advice, even helping with classes when needed.

Jeremiah put his finger on a lid and got stuck.

Lidia grabbed her mom’s makeup and started playing with it

Doing class in the dining room while Mom fixes lunch.

Lidia playing with her little brother Samuel while the others finish classes.


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